In 1992 Jim Broadbent wrote and starred in this gripping dark comedy short film, directed by his long time collaborator and friend Mike Leigh. To mark the 30 year anniversary of its release, the Garden Cinema will be screening A Sense of History' (26 minutes), followed by a Q&A with Jim Broadbent. The night will be hosted by filmmaker and Garden Cinema Member Nicholas Ahlmark, who has long championed the movie as 'the best short film ever made'.
SYNOPSIS: As a member of the landed English gentry, the aged 23rd Earl of Leete has a duty to maintain and expand his huge estate, at all costs. Wanting to tell his side of the story for the benefit of future generations, the Earl has hired a professional film crew to shoot him in the style and manner of a classical BBC documentary. He recounts his personal and family history directly to camera, in what transpires to be a shocking confessional.
Giselle Frank posted their thoughts on A Sense of History + Q&A w/Jim Broadbent 1 year, 11 months ago
This looks so good. I can’t wait!
Annelies Schouppe posted their thoughts on A Sense of History + Q&A w/Jim Broadbent 1 year, 11 months ago
Fabulous! What a great opportunity this is. Thank you for organising it!